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Orchha to Agra Cab Booking for One Way and Round Trip @ 25% off

Orchha to Agra distance is 252 kms | Time Duration from Orchha to Agra is 5 Hrs

The SRINAGAR - KANYAKUMARI HWY takes you from Orchha to Agra, covering approximately 252 KM and taking 5 Hrs. Compared to a variety of car types like Innova, Dzire, Etios, Indigo, Sedan, SUVs, or other luxury cars. Best offers for Orchha to Agra one-way or round trip AC or non-AC Cabs booking. Choose upgraded facilities with the available Orchha to Agra cabs for easy cab booking.

Types of Cabs available for the Orchha to Agra Cab route

Cab Type KM Limit Extra KM Number of Person Number of Luggage
Hatch Back 252 11/- 4+1 2
Sedan 252 12/- 4+1 2
Sedan Plus 252 13/- 4+1 2
Ertiga 252 15/- 6+1 3
Innova 252 18/- 6+1 3
Innova Crysta 252 19/- 6+1 3
Tempo Traveller - (12 Seater) 252 25/- 12+1 10

Information about Orchha to Agra Taxi Route

Journey Details Information
Route Orchha to Agra Cab
Distance by Road 252 KM
Time Duration 5 Hrs
Car Types Hatchback , Sedan , SUV
Fuel Types Electric , Diesel , CNG
Models Dzire , Etios , Xcent , Xylo , Ertiga , Innova
Nearest Airport Gwalior Airport (GWL)

How to Book Online Cab from Orchha to Agra

24x7 Helpline

Visit Site

Open Browser and visit

No Extra KMs Charge

Select cab

Choose a cab as per travel requirement.

Assured Cab

Fill Details

Provide pickup, contact, and destination.

GPS Enabled


Pay online with secure payment gateways.

Top Tourist Attraction from Orchha to Agra Cab Route

Why to Book Orchha to Agra Cab With Taxiyatri ?

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All inclusive fixed fare

The taxi and cab fare of the Orchha to Agra cab service is very affordable. It does not include any hidden charges or extra fees.

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No Extra Km Charges

TaxiYatri provides fixed fares with no additional cost for the Orchha to Agra cab service.

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Assured Cab

Rest assured that TaxiYatri would provide you with the reliable cab services at any time.

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24/7 Customer Support

TaxiYatri provides 24/7 support to ensure a seamless, smooth and hassle-free travel experience.

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Zero Cancelation Charges

There are no cancelation charges included for cancelling the booking.

FAQ's About Orchha to Agra Cab Booking

How many types of cabs are available from Orchha to Agra?

TaxiYatri provides various cab options such as the sedan, Innova, hatchbacks, minibuses, tempo travellers, and luxury cars.

Which is the most economical cab available from Orchha to Agra?

The most economical option would be the hatchback and sedan cabs.

What are the cab booking options available from Orchha to Agra?

There are different cab booking options with TaxiYatri; outstation travels, local rentals, and airport transfers.

What are the payment options for booking a cab from Orchha to Agra?

There are different payment options available for making the payment online, such as the UPI, wallet, credit card, debit card, etc.

Does the payment include all road trip expenses like toll, parking, etc from Orchha to Agra?

Yes, all those charges are included. TaxiYatri provides transparent billing, no hidden fees are included.

Do I need to bring any ID proof to avail myself of cab services from Orchha to Agra?

Yes, bringing an ID proof is mandatory to help verify the booking at the time of pickup.

How much is a taxi from Orchha to Agra?

The cab prices with TaxiYatri are very cheap and economical. The rental fare starts from ₹11/- per km.

How long does it take to go from Orchha to Agra by Cab?

It will take 5 Hrs to cover the distance of 252 KM from Orchha to Agra.

What is the minimum cab fare from Orchha to Agra?

The minimum cab fare with TaxiYatri is ₹11/- per km.

What is the maximum cab fare from Orchha to Agra?

The maximum cab fare could vary due to various factors such as distance and itineraries. Know more about the pricing from the official website of TaxiYatri.

What are the options available for Orchha to Agra Cabs?

There are various cab options available to choose for the journey; hatchbacks like Tata Indica, Indigo, WagnoR, etc, sedans like Swift Dzire, Toyota Etios, etc, and SUVs like Mahindra Xylo, Ertiga, Innova, etc.

What are the advantages of online cab booking from Orchha to Agra?

The cab services of TaxiYatri are very cheap and affordable with reliable and flexible cab options and luxurious itineraries.

What is the Orchha to Agra cab/taxi fare?

The cab/taxi fare of TaxiYatri starts from ₹11/- per km.

What is the distance from Orchha to Agra by car?

The distance from Orchha to Agra is 252 KMs.

Can I book a one-way cab from Orchha to Agra?

Yes, TaxiYatri also provides one-way outstation cab services from Orchha to Agra.

How do I cancel my booking for Orchha to Agra cab?

To cancel the booking, contact the customer support and provide all the necessary booking details. No cancellation charges are included.

How is the total fare/price breakup calculated for Orchha to Agra Cabs?

To know how the total fare/price breakup is calculated, visit the official website of TaxiYatri.

Is daily driver allowances included in the total fare for Orchha to Agra Cabs?

Yes, daily driver allowance, toll charges, and GST are included in the total price.

I don't have a Credit/Debit card and Net banking as well. Can I still book a cab from Orchha to Agra?

Yes, TaxiYatri also provides offline payment options. Pay in cash or with a card directly to the driver after the ride is over.

How much does a sedan cab from Orchha to Agra cost?

The cost of hiring a sedan cab, the fare starts from ₹10/- per km.

How much does an SUV cab from Orchha to Agra cost?

The price of the SUV vehicle starts from ₹14/- per km.

Can I book a cab for a specific date and time?

Yes, pre-booking for the cab can be made. It is recommended to book the cab in advance to get priority during high-demand hours.

Can I make stops or detours during the journey from Orchha to Agra?

Yes, you can add stops, pickups, detours, extend the ride, etc. with the flexible services of TaxiYatri.

Is it safe to travel by cab, especially during long distances?

Yes, TaxiYatri has certified professional drivers. They will provide a safe and smooth ride without any hassles. The vehicle also has various safety features like seatbelts, airbags, etc. installed in them.

How many types of car rentals are available from Orchha to Agra?

There is various car rental options are available such as hatchbacks, sedans, SUV, minibus, Innova, luxury car, etc.

What are the payment options for booking a car from Orchha to Agra?

TaxiYatri accepts various payment options like net banking, wallet, UPI, credit/debit card, etc. for easy and convenient payments.

What is the car booking options available from Orchha to Agra?

TaxiYatri provides various car rental services such as local car rentals, outstation travels, and airport transfers.

Do I need to bring any ID proof to avail myself of car rental services from Orchha to Agra?

AN ID proof is necessary to verify the car rental booking at the time of pickup, so you must bring an ID proof with you.

How much is a car rental from Orchha to Agra?

The price of the car rental service from Orchha to Agra starts from ₹10/- per km.

Can I Book a one-way car rental from Orchha to Agra?

Yes, TaxiYatri has outstation car rental service which provides both one-way as well as round trip services.

One Way Cab Routes From Agra

One Way Cab Routes From Orchha

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